We’re excited to announce that RealityCapture 1.3 is now available—and it’s faster, more efficient, and more accurate than ever. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a photogrammetry novice, this release is going to make your life easier. Here’s a look at the key highlights.
Fed up of wasting time waiting for results? Good news! Already recognized as one of the fastest photogrammetry solutions on the market, RealityCapture 1.3 has taken a significant leap forward in terms of speed and performance. The key improvement comes in the form of faster model reconstruction, up to twice as fast depending on the size of the model, while texturing is now up to three times faster than in the previous release.
Press the Start button, stand back, and watch the magic happen. In this release, we've optimized the workflow for generating cleaned, textured high-poly models—as well as simplified low-poly models with baked diffuse and normal maps—down to a single click. What’s not to like?
As many users will know, the photogrammetry process typically auto-generates a large number, even thousands, of separate UV islands—which then have to be optimized if the model is to be used for games or for other real-time applications.
RealityCapture 1.3 brings an Experimental new mosaicing-based UV unwrap process that results in fewer UV islands, potentially saving time down the road.
We’re also introducing mosaicing-based texturing, which effectively uses a single original source photograph to generate the texture for each triangle on your mesh and assembles the pieces together to form the final texture. The result? Sharper, more color-accurate details on your model.
If you’re an architect, engineer, or someone else who regularly works with really large models, you may already be familiar with Nira, a platform capable of rendering massive 3D assets in real time for interactive, collaborative web-based review on any device, including smartphones and tablets.
Nira offers a fast model uploader and multi-threaded model streaming. It can also be used to edit RealityCapture models, optimizing and cleaning each element individually.
In RealityCapture 1.3, you can directly upload your models to your Nira account, supplementing our existing support for uploading to Sketchfab and Cesium.
These are just the highlights of the release. You can see everything that’s new in the change log, and in our online course on the Epic Developer Community. We hope you enjoy RealityCapture 1.3. Don’t forget you can try it out for free using our pre-licensed sample datasets.
Metro station model courtesy of Mels Virtual Production.