Sample datasets

Habitat 67
Habitat 67 was reconstructed in RealityCapture from 3,199 images and 207 terrestrial laser scans. You can use the following links to download the data. Learn how the data was processed with the 3D Divider script by following the Processing of the Habitat 67 Scan Data with the 3D Divider Script tutorial on the Epic Developer Community. Scanned by R-E-A-L.iT, Leo Films, Drone Services Canada Inc. For educational use only—this content is licensed for use only for educational purposes, including for self-education and education in academic settings.
Habitat 67 Sample
This is a small sample dataset of the Habitat 67 scan that is part of the Hillside Unreal Engine sample project. Download the data and follow the Processing of the Habitat 67 Sample in RealityCapture tutorial on the Epic Developer Community. Scanned by R-E-A-L.iT, Leo Films, Drone Services Canada Inc. For educational use only—this content is licensed for use only for educational purposes, including for self-education and education in academic settings.
Download now (15.3 GB/22.6 GB after unpacking)

Small Cottage
This dataset is used in the RealityCapture tutorial Scan objects from all sides using Masks. Follow along with the tutorial and process the model yourself.
Download now (3.1GB)Gingerbread Man
3D model of a gingerbread cookie, created in RealityCapture from 158 images.
Download now (325 MB)

This dataset is used in the RealityCapture tutorial Texturing Handheld Laser Scan Models, where you can learn how to align a model made with a handheld laser scanner with your photogrammetry project, and then texture it.
Download now (950MB) Laser Scan (16MB)Hunting tower
Download this dataset of a hunting tower and follow along with the RealityCapture to Unreal Engine 5 tutorial to learn how to process a scan in RealityCapture and use it in Unreal Engine 5 as a nanite mesh.
Download now (13.7GB)

Komainu Statues
Thanks to NRHK, we’re making available two Komainu original datasets from the Ikuta-jinja Shinto shrine in Kobe, Japan. These models are part of Open Heritage 3D and are created from 2,388 images.
Download now (30.3 GB)Handmade Christmas Decoration
3D model of a Christmas decoration, created in RealityCapture from 305 images.
Download now (6.3 GB)

Christmas Statue
Thanks to Overhead, you can now download this dataset of a Christmas statue, created from 299 images captured using a turntable.
Download now (5 GB)Waitangi War Canoe by CyArk
Thanks to Cyark, you can now download this licensed dataset of a Waitangi war canoe consisting of LiDAR data and photogrammetric data. The Waitangi war canoe is part of Open Heritage 3D.
Download Lidar data (17.9 GB)Download photogrammetric data (10.81 GB)

Tree Stump
This RealityCapture dataset is created from 400 images. It’s a great model for trying out simplifying, filtering, and other RealityCapture tools.
Download now (5.6GB)Drone Imagery
This dataset contains 482 images that were captured with a drone and ground control points with precise location information. It can be used to check out how georeferencing works using images or ground control points.
Download now (637MB)

Small Relief
Small dataset made of 14 images which were taken with a small compact camera. Ideal for beginners.
Download now (26MB)Mars Dataset
Explore Mars with a dataset featuring geometry, texture, and label images, courtesy of NASA/JPL-Caltech. With our user-friendly scripts, unlocking the secrets of the Red Planet has never been easier. These images and scripts were used in the Crafting the Red Planet tutorial.
Download dataset (816MB)Download scripts (8KB)

Open Heritage datasets
Three resulting datasets of UNESCO sites - Heritage on the Edge project have been released on Open Heritage 3D, so anyone can access them and work with the source data. We are also making them available for download here. These datasets contain various inputs such as laser scans, drone footage, and ground images.
Links to licensed datasets:
Chan Chan
Kilwa Kisiwani
Note: Please check the size of the data set before you download it as the data sets are quite large (eg. from 20-400GB).
CLI Sample Scripts
These CLI sample scripts are useful learning resources that can help you to set up scripts for your own workflows.