New version

RealityCapture 1.1.1 Blaze

We are glad to introduce our latest RealityCapture version 1.1.1 Blaze.

What are the release highlights?

Open and work with the same PPI scene on different computers

From now on you can open and modify PPI projects on different PCs. This new feature enables you to open and edit a locked PPI project on a different computer and RC account. It can be opened on up-to 8 computers. However, make sure that only one computer is using the PPI project at the same time.

Auto save mode

Further, we have introduced an autosave - your project is continuously saved so that you do not lose your work if something happens. Go to application settings and select "YES" on Auto Save mode.
Autosave creates an .autosave file next to the original project (or temp folder) after 30 seconds if any changes are made to a project.

Resume model reconstruction after an unexpected closing of the app

When you are calculating a model and something unpredictable would happen on the midway, now you can reopen the project, recover the last changes, and continue in the model reconstruction. This is an enhancement to the brand-new autosave feature.

Headless mode for CLI

Now it is possible to run the application without the main user interface by using the command “headless”.

Zoom function for RealityCapture workspace

See the RealityCapture UI better, with bigger icons and text. This feature is especially handy for those with high-resolution screens. This function enhances the user experience and increases readability.

Real-time alignment assistant on any smart device with a local network processing (CLI users)

RealityCapture assistant or second screen enables you to scan a dataset with your Smartphone and send data directly to RealityCapture where the model is being aligned in Real-time.
On the screen of your phone, you are able to see the camera positions and thus to see whether you have sufficient overlap and coverage of the captured photos.
You may connect multiple phones to one project in RealityCapture and capture the data in parallel.
To access this brand - new feature click on Real-time assistance in the application ribbon, in the workflow section. Scan the QR code which appears and you are paired with RealityCapture and are able to scan with your phone. This feature is currently limited to your local network. Meaning, both your phone and computer must be on the same wifi. This feature is working only with ENTERPRISE licenses and perpetual ENTERPRISE license with active maintenance.

Selected new features:

  • Relative camera position uncertainty (ellipses) displayed in Accuracy report
  • Added option to create model classification from labeled images (experimental)
  • Added an option to merge small parts when simplifying a model
  • Added possibility to select 2Ds view in all views
  • Application localization into Czech and Italian language
  • Added possibility to use custom names for image layers
  • Added possibility to rename created texture layers
  • Added a table with parameters for the selected texture layer
  • Sharper and more detailed models for scenes with high DOF and big redundancy
  • The application now gathers and sends some basic statistic data in a form of an operation log file to improve user experience (can be enabled in the Application settings).
  • Map view now remembers multiple map provider credentials instead of allowing only one
  • Map provider URL path can now be parametrized using a template
  • Opened projects are now protected against accidental resaving from different instance or by a different user (read-only mode)
  • Added an option to display Slope for the selected ortho projection
  • Reconstruction settings have been simplified
  • Improvements to the search function in the built-in Help section
  • Added possibility to choose layer used for texturing in the Color and Texture Settings
  • Recently used email remembered when activating a license
  • 2Ds view now shows selected Image layer
  • Simplification factor in level of detail export panel is now specified as a percentage.
  • Clipping box now displayed with blue color.

Command Line Interface

  • Added new CLI commands (headless, selectImages, setReconstructionRegionOnCps, scaleReconstructionRegion, moveReconstructionRegion, rotateReconstructionRegion)
  • “silent” command now suppresses also warning dialogs (e.g. Not enough video memory when displaying larger models in 3D).
  • Project path added as optional parameter for “save” command
  • Added parameters to “load” command that handle opening autosaved projects

See the full change log.