Update: RealityCapture is now free for students, educators, hobbyists, and companies making under $1 million USD in annual gross revenue. Subscription seats are available for $1,250 USD per seat per year for companies over that threshold.

As a result of these changes, we no longer offer a Pay-Per-Input (PPI) pricing model or a separate PPI license of RealityCapture. If you currently have unspent PPI credits, you’ll be able to use them for 12 months with RealityCapture 1.3.2 or prior.

Going forward, there is only one version of RealityCapture. If you choose to get RealityCapture 1.4 (or later) to open and continue working with your existing PPI projects you’ll have to unlock them by navigating to the saving options and choosing “Save and Unlock”. Please note that you’ll need to be connected to the internet the first time you want to open an existing PPI project created on a different machine.

Download the Epic Games launcher to access the latest RealityCapture version.

How to use your unspent PPI credits

You have two options:

  1. (Recommended) Download the latest RealityCapture version using the Epic Games launcher and continue working with your existing PPI project.
  2. Continue using your current version of RealityCapture and use your unspent PPI credits within 12 months from the launch of RealityCapture 1.4.